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Journal of Vibroengineering
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Volume 16, Issue 6
Volume 16, Issue 6
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Vol. 16, Issue 8
Vol. 16, Issue 7
Vol. 16, Issue 5
Vol. 16, Issue 4
Vol. 16, Issue 3
Vol. 16, Issue 2
Vol. 16, Issue 1
Vol. 15, Issue 4
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Vol. 15, Issue 4
Vol. 16, Issue 1
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Vol. 16, Issue 4
Vol. 16, Issue 5
Vol. 16, Issue 7
Vol. 16, Issue 8
Vol. 17, Issue 1
Vol. 17, Issue 2
Vol. 17, Issue 3
Vol. 17, Issue 4
Vol. 17, Issue 5
Articles in Press
Research article
2014 09 30
Detecting phase synchronization in coupled oscillators by combining multivariate singular spectrum analysis and fast factorization of structured matrices
Kazimieras Pukenas
Research article
2014 09 30
Accuracy improvement on fatigue test of megawatt wind turbine blades by adaptive fuzzy control
Huang Xuemei, Zhang Lei’an, Yuan Guangming, Wang Na
Research article
2014 09 30
Fault diagnosis of gears based on local mean decomposition combing with kurtosis
Qiang Pan, Tian He, Yingchun Shan, Xiandong Liu
Research article
2014 09 30
Dynamic testing of railway truss-bridge
Darius Bačinskas, Vytautas Turla, Artūras Kilikevičius, Paulius Ragauskas, Mindaugas Jurevičius
Research article
2014 09 30
Modeling, identification and application of process damping in milling of titanium alloy
Xin Li, Wei Zhao, Liang Li, Ning He
Research article
2014 09 30
Noise removing for Lamb wave signals by fractional differential
Xiao Chen, Chenlong Wang
Research article
2014 09 30
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics modeling of vibro-assisted turning of Ti alloy: influence of vibration parameters
Murat Demiral
Research article
2014 09 30
Scattering of SH-wave by multiple semi-cylindrical hills above a subsurface elastic cylindrical inclusion
Xiaotang Lv
Research article
2014 09 30
Study on lateral vibration of rotary steerable drilling system
Qilong Xue, Ruihe Wang, Feng Sun
Research article
2014 09 30
Seismic behavior of pile in liquefiable soil ground by centrifuge shaking table tests
Wen-Yi Hung, Chung-Jung Lee, Wen-Ya Chung, Chen-Hui Tsai, Ting Chen, Chin-Cheng Huang, Yuan-Chieh Wu
Research article
2014 09 30
Vibration characteristic analysis of the multi-drilling mechanism
Xinxia Cui, Huifu Ji, Mingxing Lin, Ziang Dong
Research article
2014 09 30
An FBG staged monitoring method for carbon fiber reinforced plastics composite fracture status based on modulus/strain wave coupling property
Hong-yue Liu, Da-kai Liang, Xiao-lin Han, Shen Rui
Research article
2014 09 30
Free vibration analysis of doubly convex/concave functionally graded sandwich beams
Ashraf M. Zenkour, Ibrahim A. Abbas
Research article
2014 09 30
Seismic pounding between adjacent buildings of unequal floor height
Lihua Zou, Liangfeng Li, Jianqiang Huang, Kai Huang
Research article
2014 09 30
Structural synthesis for broken strands repair operation metamorphic mechanism of EHV transmission lines
Q. Yang, H. G. Wang, S. J. Li
Research article
2014 09 30
Instability and resonance analysis of a beam subjected to moving mass loading via incremental harmonic balance method
Mostafa Pirmoradian, Mehdi Keshmiri, Hossein Karimpour
Research article
2014 09 30
Dynamic analysis of functionally graded material bars by using novel weak form quadrature element method
Chunhua Jin, Xinwei Wang
Research article
2014 09 30
Crack detection in a pipe by adaptive subspace iteration algorithm and least square support vector regression
Youming Wang, Qing Wu
Research article
2014 09 30
Dual quaternion-based inverse kinematics of dexterous finger
Jinbao Chen, Dong Han, Hong Nie, Mei Cheng
Research article
2014 09 30
Wave barriers for the reduction of railway induced vibrations. Analysis in tracks with geometric restrictions
J. I. Real, C. Zamorano, C. Hernández, F. Ribes
Research article
2014 09 30
Finite element analysis and experiments of saw chip formation for bearing steel GCr15 in hard cutting process
Guangjun Chen, Lingguo Kong, Xianli Liu
Research article
2014 09 30
Harmonic vibration synchronization phenomenon analysis of dual excitation rotors nonlinear vibration system
Xiaohao Li, Tao Shen
Research article
2014 09 30
Flexible supporting and fixing method for hybrid ultrasonic motor using longitudinal and torsional vibration modes
Lin Yang, Chunsheng Zhao
Research article
2014 09 30
The characteristic comparison of the accelerometer and the gyroscope in the measurement of human body sway
Kanitthika Kaewkannate, Gyu Cheol Han, Sung Min Kim, Soo Chan Kim
Research article
2014 09 30
An investigation into frequency resolution estimation model for impact signal analysis by using Hilbert spectrum and condition classification for marine diesel engine
Hongkun Li, Xiaowen Zhang, Delu He, Peilin Zhou
Research article
2014 09 30
Experimental study of mechanical property for prestressed rubber bearing
Lihua Zou, Liangfeng Li, Chao Zhang, Wei Zhang, Zhixu Xu
Research article
2014 09 30
Influence law of tower stiffness on vertical stiffness of three-tower self-anchored suspension bridge based on frequency formulas
Chao Zhang, Kai Huang
Research article
2014 09 30
Restoring dynamic properties of damaged buildings using pole assignment control method
Fereidoun Amini, Farzaneh Modiri
Research article
2014 09 30
Model-based dynamical properties analysis of a motorized spindle system with an adjustable preload mechanism
Peng Zhang, Xiaoan Chen, Junfeng Liu
Research article
Most downloaded
2014 09 30
Mathematical models and dynamic contact analysis of involute/noninvolute beveloid gears
He Zeyin, Lin Tengjiao, Chenjia Chen, Feiyu Geng
Research article
2014 09 30
Optimal design of piezoelectric vibration devices with constrained variable algorithm and FEA
Ying Chen, Cui Ye, Rui Kang
Research article
2014 09 30
A new method based on fast Kurtogram for the identification of pitting fault versus crack fault in gearbox systems
Kamel Belalouache, Djamel Benazzouz, Chemseddine Rahmoune
Research article
2014 09 30
Nonlinear response of the generator rotor under the unbalanced electromagnetic force
Guoyuan Zhang, Yanni Tian, Haizhou Huang, Miao Zhou
Research article
2014 09 30
A new online secondary path modeling method based on delay coefficient technique
Yuxue Pu, Fang Zhang, Jinhui Jiang
Research article
2014 09 30
Experiment, simulation and analysis on coupling hydrodynamic forces under key parameters for a spherical underwater exploration robot
Yansheng Li, Hanxu Sun, Ming Chu, Yanheng Zhang, Qingxuan Jia, Xiaojuan Lan
Research article
2014 09 30
Stochastic nonlinear vibration of fluid-conveying double-walled carbon nanotubes based on nonlocal elasticity theory
Tai-Ping Chang
Research article
2014 09 30
Modal analysis of a cable-stayed bridge model using a modified Ibrahim Time domain algorithm
Chengyin Liu, Jun Teng
Research article
2014 09 30
Novel tunable PVDF-based optical element for MEMS applications
Sigita Ponelyte, Arvydas Palevicius, Vytautas Lukenas
Research article
2014 09 30
Prediction and control on vibro-acoustic environment of vessel engine room floating cabins
Bing-Nan Liang, Hong-Liang Yu, Yan-Nian Cai
Research article
2014 09 30
Trajectory tracking and traction coordinating controller design for lunar rover based on dynamics and kinematics analysis
Lin-hui Li, Jing Lian, Bai-chao Chen, Jing Chang, Hai-yang Huang
Research article
2014 09 30
Diagnostics of the tram track shape with the use of the global positioning satellite systems (GPS/Glonass) measurements with a 20 Hz frequency sampling
Cezary Specht, Władysław Koc, Leszek Smolarek, Andrzej Grządziela, Jacek Szmagliński, Mariusz Specht
Research article
2014 09 30
Internal low-frequency noise analysis of high-speed train under mechanical excitation
Chang-Ying Liu, Tian-Hao Wang, Zhang-Zhi Bo, Jun-Liang Liu
Research article
Most read
2014 09 30
Dynamic model of a harmonic drive in a toothed gear transmission system
Piotr Folęga, Grzegorz Wojnar, Rafał Burdzik, Łukasz Konieczny
Research article
2014 09 30
Research on dynamical characteristics of wind turbine drive train with flexible shaft
Hong Liu, Rongzhen Zhao, Yuqiao Zheng
Research article
2014 09 30
Application of statistical residuals in vibrodiagnostics of vehicles
Andrzej Puchalski
Research article
2014 09 30
Container vehicle-truss bridge coupled vibration analysis and structural safety assessment under stochastic excitation
Kai-Liang Lu, Wei-Guo Zhang, Yuan Liu, Guo-Wei Li, Zhi-Yong Hao
Research article
Most cited
2014 09 30
Diagnostics of buggy vehicle transmission gearbox technical state based on modal vibrations
Marcin Łukasiewicz, Tomasz Kałaczyński, Janusz Musiał, Jurij I. Shalapko
Research article
2014 09 30
Research on sound insulation characteristics of the friction stir welding magnesium alloy sheet
Yu-Heng Ning, Zheng-Yin Ding, Dan Yang, Yu-Guang Zhao
Research article
2014 09 30
The flutter of a two-dimensional lifting surface with cubic nonlinearities in a supersonic flow field
Hongli Zhang, Fangqi Chen, Xiaohua Zhang
September 2014, Pages (2624-3168)
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