Privacy Policy

Last updated: January 8, 2024

1. When and why should I read this policy?

We've crafted this privacy policy that lays out all the details of how we handle your personal data. Plus, we'll guide you through the rights you've got over your data under the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and help you understand how to apply them. Staying informed means staying empowered, so we're committed to keeping you updated and in command of your data.

This policy is relevant to you if you are:

  • A registered user on Extrica
  • An author (co-author) intending to publish your work through Extrica
  • A reviewer, editor or member of the editorial board
  • A conference organizer, guest speaker, participant, or committee member
  • Someone who uses Extrica without registration

2. Who is responsible for handling my data?

  • We are UAB “JVE International” (‘Company’ ‘us’ ‘we’)
  • You can contact us at: Show Email Address
  • Our registered address is: Skruzdynės St. 9A-6, LT-93123 Neringa, the Republic of Lithuania

3. Why and how do you collect my data?

3.1. To enable you to register on Extrica

To register your account with Extrica, we will responsibly manage your personal information to ensure an efficient and secure registration process

Legal basis for processing data Categories of data processed Data storage period
(Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR)

(Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR)
Name, surname, email address, password, confirmation that you have agreed to our Terms and Conditions, Privacy, and other policies, your affiliation, country (optional), photograph (optional) and biography (optional) Your data will be deleted upon your request to delete your account or automatically 5 years following your last login
3.2. To publish articles in journals available on our platform

To proceed with the evaluation and publication of your article using Extrica, we commit to professionally handling your information. This ensures not only the successful publication of your work but also the smooth and efficient operation of our services.

Legal basis for processing data Categories of data processed Data storage period
(Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR)
Name, surname, manuscript of your article, manuscript’s title, journal section, abstract, keywords, acknowledgments, manuscript’s data availability, a list of all authors, their emails and scientific degrees, biographies and photos of all authors, contribution of each individual author, declaration of conflict of interest, cover letter and agreement to our rules and policies, reviewer’s assessment and feedback on your article, communication information, ethics statement (when applicable) If your article is rejected, the data will be stored throughout the evaluation period of your request to publish an article

If your article is accepted, the data will be stored for the duration needed to achieve scientific research purposes and to uphold freedom of information
3.3. To enable you to start a new journal

Interested in starting a new journal with Extrica? Rest assured, we will meticulously manage your information to ensure the seamless publication of your work and maintain optimal operational efficiency.

Legal basis for processing data Categories of data processed Data storage period
(Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR)
Name, surname, title, affiliation, country, research area of the journal, suggested title of the journal, aim and scope of the journal, potential members of the editorial board, and their contact information, other information needed in a particular case If your request is rejected, the data will be stored throughout the evaluation period of your request to start a new journal

If your journal is accepted, the data will be stored for the duration needed to achieve scientific research purposes and to uphold freedom of information
3.4. To prevent plagiarism and ensure originality

To protect against plagiarism and ensure the originality of publications, we will process your information for a limited period, even if your article submission is not accepted.

Legal basis for processing data Categories of data processed Data storage period
Legitimate interest
(to prevent plagiarism and ensure originality)
(Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR)
Name, surname, manuscript of your article, manuscript’s title, journal section, abstract, keywords, acknowledgments, manuscript’s data availability, a list of all authors, their emails and scientific degrees, biographies and photos of all authors, contribution of each individual author, declaration of conflict of interest, cover letter and agreement to our rules and policies, reviewer’s assessment and feedback on your article, communication information, ethics statement (when applicable) Up to 5 years
3.5. To carry out the selection of editorial board members and reviewers

To efficiently conduct the editorial process, it's necessary for us to handle the information of our editorial board members, editors and external reviewers.

Legal basis for processing data Categories of data processed Data storage period
(Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR)

(Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR)
Name, surname, scientific degree, title, email and other data that is necessary for the editorial process in a particular case, other information that you voluntarily provide to us The data of the editorial board members will be stored for the duration needed to achieve scientific research purposes and to uphold freedom of information.

The data of reviewers will be stored for a period of up to 10 years.
3.6. To provide you with language editing services

Should you require our language editing services for your article, please inform us, and we will efficiently manage your details to facilitate this process.

Legal basis for processing data Categories of data processed Data storage period
(Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR)
Your contact details, article title and the article itself, request letter, author’s statement The data will be stored for the duration of the services provided to you and for 2 years after the conclusion of those services.
3.7. To organize conferences

Whether you're a member of the organizing committee or looking to attend, we'll handle your information carefully to make sure everything goes smoothly.

Legal basis for processing data Categories of data processed Data storage period
Legitimate interest
(to organize conferences)
(Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR)
If you are the person that applies for organizing a conference: name, surname, title, affiliation, country, main topic, suggester main title for the conference (optional), date of the conference, estimated attendances, other committee members and information about them (optional), country, city and location of the conference, cover letter. degree, conference responsibilities, university

If your a member of the organizing committee: name, surname, title, degree, conference responsibilities, affiliation

If your a participant: name, surname, manuscript of your article, manuscript’s title, journal section, abstract, keywords, acknowledgments, manuscript’s data availability, a list of all authors, their emails and scientific degrees, biographies and photos of all authors, contribution of each individual author, declaration of conflict of interest, cover letter and agreement to our rules and policies

In some cases we may publish a video of the conference
If your request is rejected the data will be stored throughout the evaluation period of your request to organize a conference

If the request is accepted, the data will be stored for 1 year following the conclusion of the conference. However, information published in publications will be stored for the duration needed to achieve scientific research purposes and to uphold freedom of information.

Video of the conference will be stored for up to 10 years after its publication
3.8. To process your payments

We'll collect your payment details, transaction history, and invoice information to ensure your purchase is processed smoothly.

Legal basis for processing data Categories of data processed Data storage period
(Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR)

Legal obligation
(Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR)
Name, surname, e-mail address, address, transaction information, invoice information, payment information, purchase history, payment card information, IP address, device information, chargeback information 10 years after you made your payment.
3.9. To answer your questions and requests

Extrica is committed to providing support and answering any questions you might have. To effectively respond to your inquiries, it is necessary to process your information.

Legal basis for processing data Categories of data processed Data storage period
(Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR)
Name, surname, e-mail address, subject, inquiry information and content, attachments, response information, feedback information, communication information, other data provided by you Up to 2 years after the last communication
3.10. To ensure operation and security of Extrica’s website

Please be aware that upon visiting Extrica’s website, we automatically gather certain technical information regarding your device. This is a standard procedure aimed at ensuring optimal functionality and security during your browsing experience.

Legal basis for processing data Categories of data processed Data storage period
Legitimate interest
(to ensure website operation and security)
(Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR)
Device information and ID, IP address, geographical location, browser type and version, operating system, device type, screen resolution and information on the motion activity, use of our website (i.e., referral source, length of visit, page views and website navigation paths, as well as information about the timing, frequency and pattern of your service use) Up to 90 days after you visit on Extrica
3.11. To keep you informed and gather your feedback on our services

When you register with Extrica, consent to receive marketing communications from us, or in situations where we have a legitimate interest in informing you about our services, we will process your data as outlined below.

Legal basis for processing data Categories of data processed Data storage period
(Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR)

Customer relationship
(Article 81(2) of the Law on Electronic Communications of Lithuania)

Legitimate interests pursued by us (direct marketing and customer satisfaction)
(Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR)
Name, surname, email address, interests, consent information, preferences, response information, feedback information, purchase history, services and products use information, opt-out information For as long as you are a registered user at Extrica, or up to 5 years
3.12. To administer our social media profiles

When you engage with us through messaging, follow our pages, or interact with our posts on social media, it implies your consent for us to process your information.

Legal basis for processing data Categories of data processed Data storage period
(Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR)
Name and surname provided in your social media profile, email address, messages, message information, attachments, comments, comments information, share information, reaction information, other interaction information, other data provided Up to 10 years
3.13. To fulfill legal obligations and protect our legal rights

If we've ever teamed up on a contract or find ourselves in a legal tango together, we'll hang on to the necessary details for as long as the law says we should. It's all to make sure we can stand up for our rights if we need to. Plus, there are some rules that say we've got to keep certain info for things like accounting and making sure our records are straight. Just the usual legal housekeeping

Legal basis for processing data Categories of data processed Data storage period
Legal obligation
(Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR)

Our legitimate interest to defend our rights and interests
(Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR)
All of the above information, legal documents, procedural documents, annexes, court documents, investigation information, criminal convictions and offenses, other data provided. - Up to 10 years after the end of the contract with you

- For the duration of a legal process and up to 3 years following a final legally binding decision

4. Where do you collect my information from?

We collect most of the information directly from you. Where necessary for the below purposes, we collect the information from other sources.

  • To start a new journal, we receive information about potential editorial board members from the person who completes the application to start a new journal on Extrica (see 3.2).
  • To publish articles, we receive information from the co-author who submits your work to the Extrica platform (see 3.3)
  • To organize conferences, we receive information about the conference’s committee members from the person who completes the application to organize a conference (see 3.7).
  • Some of the information about other authors can be extracted from the list of sources that are used in an author’s publication.
  • For managing our social media profiles effectively, we collect your information from social media service providers (see section 3.12)
  • Sometimes, to meet our legal responsibilities and safeguard our rights, we might need to collect information from law enforcement authorities, courts, and individuals involved in legal proceedings that you are a part of (see 3.13).

5. Who do you share my information with?

We share your data only when it's absolutely necessary and always in compliance with legal standards. Rest assured, we're selective about who gets access, and we stick to the letter of the law:

  • Microsoft Azure (cloud computing service provider)
  • Turnitin, LLC (plagiarism detection service provider)
  • Mailerlite (marketing service provider)
  • Klaviyo (marketing service provider)
  • Interneto vizija, UAB (hosting service provider)
  • EBSCO (scientific database provider)
  • Clarivate (scientific database provider)
  • Elsevier (scientific database provider)
  • CrossRef (doi registration)
  • Stripe, Inc (financial service provider)
  • HotJar Ltd. (analytics service provider)
  • Google LLC. (analytics and other tools provider)
  • Other service providers, such as IT companies, communication service providers, social media providers, scientific databases providers, as well legal, financial, tax, business management, human resources, and accounting service providers.
  • With courts, law enforcement bodies, or government institutions, but only when the law says we have to (like with bailiffs or courts).

In case we transfer your information outside the European Economic Area, we enter into Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission.

6. What rights do I have in relation to the processing of my information?

Subject to conditions and limitations established by applicable laws, you have the rights:

  • to know about the personal information collected, disclosed, or sold and to request access to that data;
  • to correct inaccurate or incorrect data or to supplement it when it is incomplete;
  • to delete the data, we have about you;
  • to restrict the use of your data where you challenge the accuracy of the data, object to the processing of the data or need your data for legal purposes;
  • to request your data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format
  • to object to the processing of the data. It is relevant where the collection and use are based on a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested or legitimate interest, including profiling, as explained in Section 3 of this policy, or where you object to the collection of your personal data for direct marketing purposes.
  • to withdraw any consent given to us regarding the processing of your data. You have the right to withdraw any consent given regarding the processing of your data where the processing is based on consent, as explained in Section 3 of this policy, and you seek to withdraw it at any time;
  • to file a complaint with supervisory authorities;
  • not to receive discriminatory treatment while exercising your rights.

7. Automated decision-making, including profiling

We do not make decisions based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affect you.

8. Cookies and similar technologies

The below cookies and similar technologies are used to store information, or gain access to information already stored, in your device.

A cookie is a small piece of data that a website stores on the visitor’s computer or mobile device. Cookies help a website remember information about your visit, which makes it easier to visit the site again and makes the site more useful to you. Other technologies, including unique identifiers used to identify a browser, app or device, pixels, and local storage, can also be used for these purposes.

Cookie category Cookie name Purpose Source Duration of the operation
Necessary _hjFirstSeen Track the beginning of a user’s session Extrica 30 min
auth To authenticate the user Extrica 24 hours
af To carry out anti-forgery Extrica 2 hours
sess To maintain session information Extrica Session
cookies-consent To maintain user’s cookie preferences Extrica 365 days
Performance _gid It stores and update a unique value for each page visited and is used to count and track pageviews. Extrica 1 day
_gat_UA-61077426-1 To allocate a unique ID Extrica 54 seconds
_hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress Track the beginning of a user’s session Extrica 30 min
ai_user Analytics Extrica 1 year
_ga Analytics Extrica 1 year 1 month
ai_session Analytics Extrica 30 minutes
_ga_8ZMPL0WXWF To persist session state. Extrica 1 year 1 month
utm To track and attribute the source of website traffic, aiding in the analysis of marketing campaign effectiveness Extrica 180 days
Marketing test_cookie to determine if the website visitor's browser supports cookies. DoubleClick (Google) 15 minutes
_uetsid to determine what ads should be shown that may be relevant to the end user perusing the site. Extrica 1 day
_fbp to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers Extrica 3 months
_gcl_au for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services Extrica 3 months
_uetvid It allows us to engage with a user that has previously visited Extrica. Extrica 1 year
IDE Carries out information about how the end user uses Extrica and any advertising that the end user may have seen before visiting Extrica. DoubleClick (Google) 1 year
MUID User tracking Microsoft 1 year

9. How can I refuse cookies and similar technologies?

Most browsers allow you to manage how cookies are set and used, and to clear cookies and browsing data: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Opera.

10. Can this Policy change?

We change this Policy from time to time. The latest version of this Policy is available on our website.

Last update: January 8, 2024