Published: 26 October 2024

More on micro semi – pre-operators in micro topological spaces

P. Sathishmohan1
G. Poongothai2
K. Rajalakshmi3
S. Stanley Roshan4
1, 2, 4Department of Mathematics, Kongunadu Arts and Science College (Autonomous), G. N. Mills, Coimbatore 641029, Tamil Nadu, India
3Department of Science and Humanities, Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore 641008, Tamil Nadu, India
Corresponding Author:
G. Poongothai
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The basic objective of this paper is to introduce and investigate the properties of micro semi pre border, micro semi pre kernel and micro semi pre derived set and obtain relation between some of the existing sets.


  • Introduced the concepts of micro semi-pre border, kernel, and derived sets in micro topological spaces.
  • Investigated the properties and interconnections of these operators within micro topological spaces.
  • Provided a foundation for future research and practical applications in mathematical and scientific fields.

1. Introduction

Levine’s introduction of generalized closed sets in 1970 [1], providing a foundational framework for subsequent developments. Lellis Thivagar [2], further expanded this framework with the introduction of nano topology, utilizing approximations and boundary regions of a subset of an universe using an equivalence relation on it to define nano closed sets, nano-interior, and nano-closure. The exploration of weak forms of nano open sets, such as nano-α-open sets, nano semi-open sets, nano pre-open sets, and nano b-open sets, was undertaken by Parimala et al. [3], adding layers of complexity to the existing theories.

In 2019, S. Chandrasekar [4], presented the concept of micro topology, which extends nano topology, emphasizing micro pre-open and micro semi-open sets. Later, Chandrasekar and Swathi [5], introduced micro α-open sets and in 2020, Hariwan Z. Ibrahim [6] introduced micro β-open sets in micro topological spaces. In this paper we introduce and study some of the properties of micro semi pre border, micro semi pre kernel and micro semi pre derived set of a set using the concept of micro semi preopen sets.

2. Preliminaries

The following outlines essential concepts and prerequisites required for the progression of this work.

Definition 2.1. [4] The micro closure of a set A is denoted by Mic-clA and is defined as Mic-clA={B:B is micro closed and AB}. The micro interior of a set A is denoted by Mic-intA and is defined as Mic-intA={B:B is micro open and AB}.

Definition 2.2. [6] A subset A of micro topological space U is called micro semi pre open set if AMic-cl(Mic-int(Mic-cl(A))). The complement of micro semi pre-open set is called micro semi pre-closed. The family of micro semi pre sets is denoted by Mic-β(A).

Definition 2.3. Let (U, τR(X), μR(X)) be a micro topological space and A be a subset of U. Then the micro kernel of A denoted by Mker(A) is defined to be the set MkerA={LμR(X):AL}.

3. Micro semi pre border

In this section, we study some properties of micro semi pre-border of a set.

Definition 3.1. Let (U, τR(X), μR(X)) be a micro topological space and A be a subset of U. Then micro semi-pre border of A is defined as Mic-βbrA=A-Mic-βintA.

Example 3.2. Let U={γ,β,η,ζ}, U/R={{γ},{η},{β,ζ}}, X={η},

Consider the micro Topology μR(X)={ϕ,U,{η},{γ,ζ},{γ,β,ζ}} micro β-open set: MβO(U,X)={ϕ,U,{γ},{η},{ζ},{γ,β},{γ,η},{γ,ζ},{β,η},{β,ζ},{η,ζ},{γ,β,η},{γ,β,ζ},{γ,β,ζ},{β,η,ζ}}.

For a subset A={γ,β} then Mic-βint(A)={γ,β} and Mic-βbrA=.

Theorem 3.3. For a subset of a micro topological space (U, τR(X), μR(X)), the following statements are holds.

1. Mic-βbrAMic-brA.

2. A=Mic-βintAMic-βbrA.

3. Mic-βintAMic-βbrA=.

4. If A is micro β-open set the Mic-βbrA=.

5. Mic-βint(Mic-βbr(A))=.

6. Mic-βbr(Mic-βint(A))=.

7. Mic-βbr(Mic-βbr(A))=Mic-βbrA.

8. Mic-βbrA=AMic-βclU-A.

Proof. (1) By Lemma 3.3 (i) [8], we have Mic-intAMic-βintA which implies A-Mic-βintAMic-intA. (i.e.,) Mic-brAMic-βbrA.

(2) and (3) are immediate consequences of the definition of micro semi-pre border of A.

(4) If A is micro β-open set, then we have A=Mic-βintA which implies Mic-βbrA=

(5) If xMic-βint(Mic-βbr(A)), then xMic-βbrA. Now, Mic-βbrAA implies Mic-βint(Mic-βbr(A))Mic-βintA. Hence xMic-βintA which is a contradiction to xMic-βbrA. Thus Mic-βint(Mic-βbr(A))=.

(6) Since Mic-βintA is micro β-open, it follows from (4) that Mic-βbr(Mic-βintA)=.

(7)Mic-βbr(Mic-βbrA)=Mic-βbr(A-Mic-βintA)=(A-Mic-βint(A))-Mic-βint(A-Mic-βint(A)) which is Mic-βbrA-, by (4). Hence, Mic-βbr(Mic-βbr(A))=Mic-βbrA.

(8) By Lemma 3.3 (v) [8], we have Mic-βintA=U-Mic-βclU-A which implies that A-Mic-βintA=A-(U-Mic-βcl(U-A))=AMic-βclU-A.

Theorem 3.4. For a subset of U, the following condition hold:

1. Mic-βbrAMic-βFrA.

2. Mic-βExtAMic-βbrA=.

Proof. (1) Since Mic-βclA contains A. (i.e.,) AMic-βclA.

Let Mic-βbrA=A-Mic-βintAMic-βclA-Mic-βintA=Mic-βFrA Hence Mic-βbrAMic-βFrA.

(2) Let xMic-βExtA i.e., xMic-βintU-A where xMic-βintA. If A is micro β-open then A=Mic-βintA. If A is not micro β-open then Mic-βintAA. Therefore, in general Mic-βintAA. Therefore xA-Mic-βintA implies xMic-βbrA. Hence Mic-βExtAMic-βbrA=.

4. Micro semi pre kernel

In this section, we introduce and study the properties of micro semi pre-kernel of a set and obtain some of its basic results.

Definition 4.1. Let (U, τR(X), μR(X)) be a micro topological space and A be a subset of U. Then the micro semi-pre kernel of A is defined as the intersection of all micro semi-pre open sets containing A and it is denoted by Mic-βker(A) is defined to be the set Mic-βker(A)={LMβO(X):AL}.

Example 4.2. Let U={γ,β,η,ζ}, U/R={{η},{γ,β,ζ}}, X={γ}, τR(X)={ϕ,U,{γ,η}}.

Consider the micro Topology μR(X)={ϕ,U,{γ},{γ,η},{γ,β,ζ}}.

Micro β-open set: MβO(U,X)={ϕ,U,{γ},{γ,β},{γ,η},{γ,ζ},{γ,β,η},{γ,β,ζ},{γ,η,ζ}}.

For a subset A={γ,ζ} then Mker(A)={γ,β,ζ} and Mic-βker(A)={γ,ζ}.

Lemma 4.3. Let (U, τR(X), μR(X)) be a micro topological space. For subsets A, B and Aj (jI, where I is an index set) of a micro topological space (U, μRX), the following holds.

1. AMic-βker(A).

2. If AB, then Mic-βker(A)Mic-βker(B).

3. Mic-βker(Mic-βker(A))=Mic-βker(A).

4. If A is Mic-β-open then A=Mic-βker(A).

5. Mic-βker(Aj/jI){Mic-βker(Aj)/jI}.

6. Mic-βker(Aj/jI){Mic-βker(Aj)/jI}.

Proof. (1) It follows by the definition of Mic-βker(A).

(2) Suppose xMic-βker(B), then there exists a subset K micro β-open set such that KS with xK. Since AB, xMic-βker(A). Thus Mic-βker(A)Mic-βker(B).

(3) Follows from (1) and definition of Mic-βker(A).

(4) It follows by the definition of Mic-βker(A).

(5) For each iI, Mic-βker(Aj)Mic-βker(jIAj). Therefore, we have jI{Mic-βker(Aj)}Mic-βker(jIAj).

(6) Suppose that x{Mic-βker(Aj/jI)} then there exists an j0I, such that xMic-βker(Aj0) and there exists a micro semi pre-open set K such that xK and Aj0K. We have jIAjAj0K and xK. Therefore xMic-βker{ Aj/jI}. Hence Mic-βker(Aj/jI)Mic-βker(Aj)/jI.

Theorem 4.4. Let (U, τR(X), μR(X)) be a micro topological space. Let A and B be subsets of U, then the following conditions holds.

1. Mic-βker(A)Mker(A).

2. Mic-βker(A)Mic-βker(B)Mic-βker(AB).

3. Mic-βker(AB)Mic-βker(A)Mic-βker(B).

4. Mic-βcl(A)Mic-βker(A)=A.

5. Mic-βker(A)Mic-βFr(A)=Mic-βbr(A).

Proof. (1) Let xMic-βker(A)x{L/AL,LMic-β-open set}x{L/AL,LμR(x)}.

Since every micro-open set is micro semi pre-open set, so xMic-ker(A).

(2) Since AAB and BAB. By Lemma 4.3 (2), we have Mic-βker(A)Mic-βker(AB) and Mic-βker(B)Mic-βker(AB).

Therefore Mic-βker(A)Mic-βker(B)Mic-βker(AB).

(3) Since ABA and ABB. By lemma 4.3 (2), we have Mic-βker(AB)Mic-βker(A) and Mic-βker(AB)Mic-βker(B).

Therefore Mic-βker(AB)Mic-βker(A)Mic-βker(B).

(4) Let xMic-βcl(A)Mic-βker(A)xMic-βcl(A)Mic-βker(A)xAMic-βclA and xAMic-βker(A)xA.

Hence A=Mic-βcl(A)Mic-βker(A).

(5) Let xMic-βker(A)Mic-Fr(A). To prove, xMic-βbrA. (i.e,) xA-Mic-βintA.

Since by the definition of kernel and Border of a set, we have, xK/AK,KMic-POMic-βclA-Mic-βintAxA(A-Mic-βint(A))xA and xA-Mic-PintAxA and xMic-PbrA.

Therefore, xMic-PbrA.

Theorem 4.5. Let (U, τR(X), μR(X)) be a micro topological space. Then for any points x and y in U the following statements are:

1. Mic-βker({x})Mic-βker({y}).

2. Mic-βclxMic-βcly.

Proof. (1) (2): Suppose that Mic-βker({x})Mic-βker({y}) then there exist a point z in U such that zMic-βker({x}) and zMic-βker({y}).

From zMic-βker({x} it follows that xMic-βclz= which implies xMic-βclz.

By zMic-βker({y}), we have yMic-βclz=.

Since xMic-βclz then Mic-βclxMic-βclz and yMic-βclz=.

Therefore Mic-βclxMic-βcly.

(2) (1): suppose Mic-βclxMic-βcly. Then there exist a point z in U such that zMic-βclx and zMic-βcly. Then there exist micro β-open set containing z and therefore x but not y. Hence yMic-βker({x}). Thus Mic-βker({x})Mic-βker({y}).

5. Micro semi pre derived set

In this section, we introduce and study the properties of micro semi pre-derived of a set and obtain some of its basic results.

Definition 5.1 Let (U, τR(X), μR(X)) be a micro topological space and A be a subset of U. A point xU is said to be micro semi-pre limit point of A, if for each NMβOU,X, N{A-{x}}. The set of all Mic-β-limit points of A is said to be the micro semi-pre derived set and is denoted by Mic-βDA.

Example 5.2. Let U=γ,β,η,ζ, U/R=γ,β,η,ζ, X={γ,β}, τR(X)={ϕ,U,γ,β}.

Consider the micro Topology μR(X)={ϕ,U,{β},{γ,β},{β,η},{γ,β,η}}.

Micro β-open set: MβO(U,X)={ϕ,U,{β},{γ,β},{β,η},{γ,β,η},{γ,β,ζ},{β,η,ζ}}.

For a subset A=γ,ζ then Mic-DA=ζ and Mic-βDA=ϕ. Here Mic-βclA=γ,ζ.

Lemma 5.3. For a subset A of U, Mic-βclA=AMic-βD(A).

Theorem 5.4. Let (U, τR(X), μR(X)) be a micro topological space. Let A and B be subsets of a space U and AB. Then Mic-βDAMic-βDB.

Proof. Let xU be the simplest point of A. By definition, for any MβO(U,X) such that N{A-{x}}. (i.e.,) N contains points of A other than x. But AB, {A-{x}}{B-{x}}N{B-{x}}x is also micro β-limit point of BMic-βDAMic-βDB.

Theorem 5.5. Let (U, τR(X), μR(X)) be a micro topological space. Let A, CU. Then the micro β-derived sets Mic-βDA and Mic-βDC have the following properties.

1. Mic-βD=.

2. xMic-βDAxMic-βDA-x.

3. Mic-βDAMic-βDCMic-βDAC.

4. Mic-βDACMic-βDAMic-βDC.

Proof. (i) Obvious.

(ii) Let xMic-βDA implies x is a micro β-limit point of A. Every neighbourhood Mic-β-Nx contains at least one point of A other than x Every Micβ-Nx containing x contains atleast one point other than x of A-xx is a micro β-limit point of A-x.

Mic-βDA-x Therefore xMic-βDA-x.

(iii) Since AAC and CAC. By theorem (5.4),



Therefore Mic-βDAMic-βDCMic-βDAC

(iv) Since ACA and ACC. By theorem (5.4),



Therefore Mic-βDACMic-βDAMic-βDC.

Lemma 5.6. Let (U, τR(X), μR(X)) be a micro topological space. Let A be a subset of U. Then Mic-βclAA-Mic-βDU-A.

Proof. Let xA-Mic-βDU-AxA but xMic-βDU-A. So there exist LMβOX with LU-A=xLAxMic-βclA.

Theorem 5.7. Let (U, τR(X), μR(X)) be a micro topological space. Let AU. Then AMic-βDA is Mic-β closed set.

Proof. Let AMic-βDA will be Mic-β closed.

If U-(Mic-βD(A))=U-A(U-Mic-βD(A)). To show R.H.S is open.

Let xU-A(U-Mic-βD(A))xU-A and xU-Mic-βDAxA and xMic-βDA.

Since xMic-βDA, there exist micro β-open neighbourhood Nx of x which contains no points of A but xA. So NxU-A. No point of Nx can be micro β-limit point of A. So no point of Nx can belong to Mic-βDANxU-Mic-βDAxNxU-(AMic-βD(A)).

Therefore U-(AMic-βD(A)) is micro β-open set.

Hence Mic-βD(A)) is micro β-closed set.

6. Discussion

The introduction of micro semi pre border, micro semi pre kernel, and micro semi pre derived set within micro topological spaces addresses several gaps in the current understanding and applications of micro topology. These developments provide a refined framework for analyzing and manipulating sets in micro topological spaces, which was previously limited by the existing definitions and properties. The ability to distinguish and work with these nuanced sets can lead to more accurate models and solutions in the following fields of engineering.

1. Signal Processing: The advanced set definitions can be applied in signal processing to improve the accuracy of signal analysis and filtering techniques.

2. Data Compression: The refined understanding of set properties aids in developing more efficient data compression algorithms, particularly in the context of high-dimensional data.

3. Network Design: In network design, these concepts can be utilized to optimize network topology and enhance the robustness and efficiency of communication protocols.

4. Robotics and Automation: The precision offered by these new developments can improve the design and control of robotic systems, particularly in navigating and interacting with complex environments.

7. Novelty

The relation between the characterization of micro semi pre-open sets, micro pre-closed sets, micro semi-pre border, micro semi -pre kernel, and micro semi-pre derived sets were shown.

8. Conclusions

In this paper, we have established and explored the notion of micro semi pre-border, micro semi pre-kernel, and micro semi pre-derived sets within micro topological spaces. We outlined the properties of these operators, highlighting the relationship between These findings not only enhance the understanding of micro topological structures but also provide a foundation for further research and applications in various mathematics and scientific fields. By introducing these operators and their properties, we have opened pathways for more comprehensive studies and practical implementations of micro topological spaces.


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About this article

05 July 2024
16 August 2024
26 October 2024
micro semi pre border
micro semi pre kernel and micro semi pre derived set

The authors have not disclosed any funding.

Data Availability

The datasets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

Author Contributions

Sathishmohan P: conceptualization, supervision, project administration and review; Poongothai G: Investigation, methodology, validation, visualization and original draft preparation; Rajalakshmi K: supervision, resources and review; Stanley Roshan S: resources and review.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.