Published: 15 September 2013

Simulation of Performance Characteristics of a Magnetorheological Shock-Absorber at the Dependence of Rheological Properties from the Magnetic Field

V. A. Bilyk1
E. V. Korobko2
V. A. Kuzmin3
1, 2, 3Luikov A.V. Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 15 P Brovki st., Minsk, 220072, Belarus
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V. A. Bilyk
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The mathematical model of a magnetorheological shock-absorber taking into account of the dependence of rheological properties from the magnetic field is developed. Performance characteristics of the MR shock-absorber (dependences of force on value of control electric signal taking into account of shock-absorber geometry, rod displacement, rheological properties of MR fluid) are calculated. The analysis of influence of control electric signal value on MR shock-absorber performance characteristics depending on amplitudes and frequencies of piston movement is carried out.

About this article

01 September 2013
15 September 2013