Published: 31 March 2012

Balance platform system dynamic properties

Andrzej Kot1
Agata Nawrocka2
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Lately mechanical vibrations problematic interesting increasing is observed, not only in the aspect of its harmfulness for human but also in the direction of its positive influence on human organism. During tests determining vibrations influence on human organism it was observed, that beside negative influence of vibration with frequencies close to the human intestines free vibrations frequencies there is also observed improvement of parameters in connection to muscular weakening especially in organs responsible for holding of proper posture. In case of balance platforms which are controlled vibration platforms there are used vibrations with low-frequency character (about 1Hz) where proper vibration control helps holding of correct posture by standing on it patient. In practice there are exists many balance platform construction solutions, notwithstanding there are solutions in which at basis of set static parameters and patients feet pressure mechanism perform motion moves by established in advance trajectory. To improve effectiveness of work and system control, balance platform movement wouldn’t be dependent only from controllable patient position in relation to platform, but also from its height, mass and biofeedback parameters. In such system human body should be deal as biomechanical system with defined inputs and outputs. In the article basic dynamic properties are described.

About this article

11 September 2011
14 February 2012
31 March 2012
balance platform
dynamic properties