Published: 31 March 2012

Modeling and diagnostics of vertical axis rotary system driven by multi gear drive

Vytautas Barzdaitis1
Jurgita Grigoniene2
Pranas Mažeika3
Arturas Tadžijevas4
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R & D work related to the technical condition assessment and unexpected failure prevention of the bearings and gearings of vertical rotor system, characterized by particularly large dimensions and mass. Theoretical studies are based on the gear meshing modeling in terms of determined contact stresses. Experiments were carried out by measuring the rotors displacements and vibrations amplitudes, as well as measuring absolute vibrations of bearings. On the basis of experimental and theoretical studies defects on contact surfaces of the gear teeth were determined. Theoretical model of gear’s teeth contacting was created and solved by finite element method. The theoretical model enables to assess the disadvantages of vertical gearing teeth contacting process in terms of defected powered gear bearings and to predict development mechanism of defect in order to avoid unexpected failures.

About this article

11 September 2011
14 February 2012
31 March 2012
multi drive system