Published: 31 March 2012

Presentation of the concept of stability of the hybrid powertrain by the Lyapunov theory

Gabriel Kost1
Andrzej Nierychlok2
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The paper presents an algorithm for controlling a hybrid drive system equipped with an internal combustion engine and electric motor. Work algorithm provides basic control of the petrol engine as the primary energy source. The internal combustion engine control system adopted an adaptive control system, which taking into account the stability of the system by Lyapunov allows for optimum combustion engine and electric motor. The direct method by Lyapunov stability analysis allows one to assess the stability of the whole system of hybrid propulsion system of a wheeled vehicle

About this article

11 September 2011
14 February 2012
31 March 2012
Lyapunov stability
hybrid powertrain system
wheeled vehicle