Published: 31 December 2011

Effect of epoxy and polyurethane coating modification with nanofillers on their resistance to erosive wear

Danuta Kotnarowska1
Michal Przerwa2
Malgorzata Wojtyniak3
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The paper presents investigation results of the effect of epoxy and polyurethane coating modification with three kinds of nanofillers on the resistance to erosive wear. Particles of granulated alundum of grain size 0,6-0,7 mm were used as the abrasive material. They fall freely from the height of 0,94 m and impact the coating surface at an angle of 45°. All polyurethane coatings modified with nanofillers showed higher resistance to erosive wear than the unmodified coatings, regardless of the applied nanofiller. However, the nanofiller modified epoxy coatings showed lower resistance to erosive wear than the unmodified ones.

About this article

11 September 2011
04 December 2011
31 December 2011
epoxy coating
polyurethane coating
resistance to erosive wear