Published: 31 December 2011

Influence of erosive particles impact energy on epoxy coatings wear intensity

Andrzej Kotnarowski1
Grzegorz Wronka2
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The paper describes an examination method of polymer coatings erosive wear and the results of the examination carried out using this method. It consist in free falling of erosive material onto examined coating and measurement of wear scar. Intensity of coating erosive wear is, among others, proportional to erosive particles impact energy in the moment when they hit the coating. The different impact energies can be obtained differentiating the height of free fall. The examination concerned influence of coating modification with nanofiller on its resistance to erosive wear. Obtained results clearly reveal that this kind of modification gives positive effect decreasing coating erosive wear intensity.

About this article

11 September 2011
04 December 2011
31 December 2011
epoxy coating
erosive particle
erosive wear
wear intensity