Published: 31 December 2010

Simulation of oscillation dynamics of mechanical system with the electrorheological shock-absorber

V. Bilyk1
E. Korobko2
A. Binshtok3
A. Bubulis4
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The paper presents the development of mathematical model of oscillating system by taking into account electrorheological (ER) characteristics. Characteristics of the ER shock-absorber (dependences of force on value of control electric signal considering shock-absorber geometry, rod displacement, rheological properties of ER fluid) are calculated. Comparison of simulation results of shock-absorber characteristics with experimental findings is performed. Analysis of calculated relations of amplitudes of output and input signals depending on value of a control electric signal is carried out

About this article

25 September 2010
09 December 2010
31 December 2010
oscillation system
three degrees of freedom
electrorheological shock-absorber
numerical integration
rheological properties
electrorheological fluid
yield stress