Published: 31 March 2012

An application of mu-synthesis for control of a small air vehicle and simulation results

Arkadiusz Mystkowski1
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This paper discusses a nonlinear robust control design procedure to micro air vehicle that combines the singular value (µ) and µ-synthesis technique, which overcomes structured uncertainty of the control plant and is valid over the entire flight envelope. The uncertainty model consists with multiplicative plug-in dynamics disturbances and parametric uncertainty. The uncertainty is conducted with the aircraft aerodynamics characteristics and parameters. These uncertainties are bounded in size based on wind tunnel experiments, flight test and analytical calculations. Furthermore, these investigations allow us to obtain the linearized model of the aircraft called here nominal model.

About this article

11 September 2011
14 February 2012
31 March 2012
micro air vehicle
µ-synthesis approach
structured uncertainty
weighting functions