Published: 30 September 2011

Controllable vibro – protective system for the driver seat of a multi – axis vehicle

A. Bubulis1
G. Reizina2
E. Korobko3
V. Bilyk4
V. Efremov5
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The paper considers a controlled vibration protection of the multi-axis vehicle with hydraulic shock absorbers that are based on “smart” fluid. The dependence is experimentally determined for the viscous and elastic components of the resistance force of the electrorheological fluid as a function of intensity of the electric field. Investigation of vertical oscillations of the system “workplace-driver” with a controlled vibro-protection system is provided. The dependence is established for the relative displacement of weight as function of external perturbation at different values of the control signal.

About this article

20 July 2010
01 September 2011
30 September 2011
controlled vibration protection system
multi-axis vehicle
smart fluids
vertical oscillations