Published: 31 December 2010

The sound wave displacement-based ultrasonic meter dependence on various atmospheric factors

V. Jozonis1
J. Stankunas2
E. Pileckas3
E. Paršeliunas4
A. Zakarevicius5
R. Maskeliunas6
A. H. Marcinkevicius7
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The dependence of speed of ultrasound in air on various climatic factors operating in the atmosphere has a significant impact on the accuracy of the ultrasonic flow measurement method. The article examines how to analyse, calculate and form mathematical formulas for air speed dependencies on all foreseen atmospheric factors that can affect the accuracy and results of measurements. The results obtained will be used for creating a mathematical model in MATLAB environment. The examination of a great number of sources suggests that a mathematical model of the speed of sound evaluating various influencing factors in a wide range has not been created until now. The article provides a partial analysis on this issue that would be applicable only for a partial application of the model used for an acoustic impulse meter

About this article

02 November 2010
09 December 2010
31 December 2010
Ultrasonic meter
sound wave displacement
speed meter
flow meter
spead of sound