Published: 31 March 2010

Relation in-between autonomic cardiovascular control and central nervous system activity during sleep using spectrum-weighten frequencies

E. Kaniusas1
A. Podlipskyte2
A. Alonderis3
G. Varoneckas4
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The present study is concerned with relevance of the spectrum-weighted frequencies of both heart rate variability (HRV) and electroencephalogram (EEG). The frequencies represent the balance point of power within a certain spectral range. The predictive value of the frequencies and their mutual interrelations are demonstrated with respect to different sleep stages based on data from a single case. In particular, the revealed stage-dependent relationships between frequencies from HRV and EEG suggest a close interrelation between autonomic cardiovascular control and activity of central nervous system. The results demonstrate that the easy-to-assess frequencies may provide a simple indicator of the sleep quality within the scope of comfortable patient monitoring

About this article

30 November 2009
03 February 2009
31 March 2010
autonomic cardiovascular control
central nervous system
spectrum-weighted frequencies