Published: 31 March 2010

An innovative design of actuation mechanism for active seat suspension of an off-road vehicle

A. Noroozi Ghale Babakhani1
B. Ghobadian2
K. Salahshoor3
S. Montasebi4
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In recent years human-machine interaction attracts scientific community attention because of human quality and health issues. Driver seat should be designed so that it would ensure occupational health as well as increase work efficiency. The aim of this research is to maintain seat height at constant level with regard to chassis excitation at different levels of frequency and amplitude by means of new design of pneumatic actuation circuit. Sinusoidal function was used for base vibration since almost all of excitation functions can be derived from it. System response shows in low frequency/high amplitude and high frequency/low amplitude chassis vibration, transmissibility decreased about 60% and 40% compared to solid suspension respectively

About this article

22 October 2009
27 November 2009
31 March 2010
active seat suspension
off-road vehicle
pneumatic isolator