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Journal of Vibroengineering
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Journal of Vibroengineering
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Volume 10, Issue 4
Volume 10, Issue 4
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Vol. 11, Issue 3
Vol. 11, Issue 2
Vol. 11, Issue 1
Vol. 10, Issue 3
Vol. 10, Issue 2
Vol. 10, Issue 1
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Vol. 10, Issue 1
Vol. 10, Issue 2
Vol. 10, Issue 3
Vol. 11, Issue 1
Vol. 11, Issue 2
Vol. 11, Issue 3
Articles in Press
Research article
2008 12 31
Rare events – rare attractors; formalization and examples
I. Blekhman, L. Kuznetsova
Research article
2008 12 31
New concepts of nonlinear dynamics: protuberances, unstable periodic infinitiums and rare attractors
M. V. Zakrzhevsky
Research article
2008 12 31
Some nonlinear effects of machine dynamics
I. I. Vulfson
Research article
2008 12 31
Method of dot mappings in measurement of dynamic parameters of rotary systems
V. M. Sokol
Research article
2008 12 31
Lame − manifolds in in problems of synthesis of nonlinear oscillatory modes
A. S. Gorobtsov, E. N. Ryzhov, A. S. Churzina
Research article
2008 12 31
Lyapunov quantities, limit cycles and strange behavior of trajectories in two-dimensional quadratic systems
N. V. Kuznetsov, G. A. Leonov
Research article
2008 12 31
Why can we detect the chaos?
I. Bula, J. Buls, I. Rumbeniece
Research article
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2008 12 31
A novel dry friction modeling and its impact on differential equations computation and lyapunov exponents estimation
J. Awrejcewicz, D. Grzelczyk, Yu. Pyryev
Research article
2008 12 31
Generating of sub harmonic resonant oscillations and problems of their stability
M. Chelidze, V. Zviadauri
Research article
2008 12 31
Influence of spatial resonant oscillations of the vibratory machine working organ on the technological load behaviour
V. Zviadauri, G. Tumanishvili, T. Nadiradze
Research article
2008 12 31
Nonlinear optimal synthesis of the vibrator with flow excitation
J. Viba, L. Shtals, A. Vilkajs, E. Kovals
Research article
2008 12 31
Fiber concrete beam failure observed as rare phenomena
O. Kononova, A. Pupurs, A. Krasnikovs
Research article
2008 12 31
Dynamical directivity and chaos in some systems with supplementary degrees of freedom
K. Ragulskis
Research article
2008 12 31
Realization of direct methods and algorithms for global analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems
I. T. Schukin, M. V. Zakrzhevsky, Yu. M. Ivanov, V. V. Kugelevich, V. E. Malgin, V. Yu. Frolov
Research article
2008 12 31
Bifurcation analysis by method of complete bifurcation groups of the driven system with two degrees of freedom with three equilibrium positions
V. Yu. Yevstignejev, M. V. Zakrzhevsky, I. T. Schukin
Research article
2008 12 31
Paradoxes of increasing linear damping in the nonlinear driven oscillators
R. S. Smirnova, M. V. Zakrzhevsky, V. Yu. Yevstignejev, I. T. Schukin
Research article
2008 12 31
Increase of rail transport safety with use of nonlinear dynamics methods and the modern catastrophe theory
O. Markova, M. Zakrzhevsky, N. Naumenko
Research article
2008 12 31
A numerical study of the existence and stability of some chaotic attractors by path integration
A. Naess, E. Mo
Research article
2008 12 31
On evolution of libration points similar to eulerian in the model problem of the binary-asteroids dynamics
V. V. Beletsky, A. V. Rodnikov
Research article
2008 12 31
Rotations of a dumbbell equipped with ‘the leier constraint’
A. V. Rodnikov
Research article
2008 12 31
Inversion of the generalized abel transform in the analysis of fluid vibration in a tube
J. Ragulskiene, A. Palevicius, P. Paškevicius
Research article
2008 12 31
Research of parametric vibrations of drive shafts with electric motor
B. Spruogis, V. Turla, E. Jurkonis
Research article
2008 12 31
Different techniques for EMG signal processing
J. Pauk
Research article
Most downloaded
2008 12 31
Empyrical model of layered piezoactuators
L. Patašiene, A. Fedaravicius
Research article
2008 12 31
Estimating wood panels anisotropic properties by resonance vibrations method
J. Vobolis, D. Albrektas
Research article
2008 12 31
Investigation of uncertainty in vibromonitoring of rotating systems transient modes
M. Eidukeviciute, V. Volkovas
Research article
2008 12 31
Excitation of low-frequency vibrations and their propagation
D. Gužas
Research article
2008 12 31
Sound-insulation of ellipsoidal shells
D. Gužas, R. Šukys
December 2008, Pages (418-602)
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