Published: 31 December 2008

A numerical study of the existence and stability of some chaotic attractors by path integration

A. Naess1
E. Mo2
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The response of a harmonically excited Duffing oscillator with chaotic response is studied by replacing the excitation by harmonic excitation plus added noise, a harmonic motion with phase perturbations, and a narrow-band filtered noise. The mean frequency and excitation energy for all the models are the same, assuming that these are basic parameters for the response of the oscillator. The resulting probability densities in the state space show that the chaotic attractor is very stable for the different kinds of perturbations. Also, a new conditional path integration method is described, which is shown to be robust and accurate while the CPU time is kept at a minimum

About this article

19 September 2008
02 December 2008
31 December 2008
chaotic attractor
additive noise
random phase modulation
path integration
probability density function