Published: 03 February 2020

Erratum: Effects of complex movements on the brain as a result of increased decision-making

Schöllhorn Wolfgang1
Horst Fabian2
1, 2Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
Corresponding Author:
Schöllhorn Wolfgang
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The description of the correction

Typing error in the paper finally approved (after the acceptance) by the authors. The sentence with the word „divergent“ on page 3, paragraph 2, sentence 2 should be replace in the following manner.

Incorrect sentence:

An additional shift of focus of the structure of interventions from biomechanical variables towards an earlier suggested model [24] resulted in the ‘constraints led approach’ [25] which corresponds to a mix of the guided discovery and divergent discovery teaching style [48].

Revised sentence:

An additional shift of focus of the structure of interventions from biomechanical variables towards an earlier suggested model [24] resulted in the ‘constraints led approach’ [25] interpretation that corresponds to the guided discovery with convergent discovery teaching style [48].

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About this article

11 January 2020
03 February 2020