Published: 31 December 2012

Vibrational analysis of planetary gear trains by finite element method

Pei-Yu Wang1
Xuan-Long Cai2
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Planetary gear trains produce several advantages, including high speed reduction, compactness, greater load sharing and higher torque to weight ratio, which are used widely in wind turbine, automobiles, robot and other applications. In some important transmission applications, the noise and vibration are key concerns in design. In this paper, a 3D dynamic contact and impact analysis model of planetary gear trains has been proposed. Tooth surface friction, backlash, tolerance of peg hole, and time-varying stiffness were considered in this dynamic model. The ANSYS / LS-DYNA were utilized to analyze the dynamic responses of gear transmission of the planetary gears. The vibration behavior of an actual gear set under dynamic loading was simulated in the dynamic model. The stiffness and elastic deformation of gear teeth are calculated using the finite element method with actual geometry and positions of the gears. The time-varying position of the carrier defined as the vibration and noise source. After impact analysis, the numerical results of vibration of carrier involved with the transient and steady states. Through the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) methods, frequency spectrums of the transient and steady states of the calculated vibration of planet carrier are obtained for the gearbox designer to avoid the resonance zone.

About this article

11 September 2012
04 December 2012
31 December 2012
planetary gear trains