Published: 30 September 2012

Simulation of oscillation dynamics of vibroprotective system with the electrorheological shock-absorber

E. Korobko1
V. Bilyk2
A. Bubulis3
E. Dragašius4
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The paper presents development of a mathematical model of a three-mass oscillating vibroprotective system with electrorheological (ER) shock-absorber by taking into account influences of temperature and electric field. Performance characteristics of the ER shockabsorber are established including dependences of force on rod displacement for different absorber geometry, rheological properties of ER fluid and magnitudes of temperature and electric field. This research work also provides comparison of simulation results of ER vibroprotective system during its linear movement through road profile “the sleeping policeman” in time domain. Amplitude-frequency characteristics of the vibroprotective system with ER shock-absorber are determined as function of electric field strength and temperature.

About this article

12 June 2012
04 September 2012
30 September 2012
oscillating system
electrorheological shock-absorber
electrorheological fluid
yield stress
shear stress
electric field strength