Published: 31 March 2012

Research of dynamics of lifting equipment

B. Spruogis1
A. Jakštas2
V. Turla3
I. Iljin4
N. Šešok5
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In the recent years, girder bridge cranes are replaced by double-beam overhead cranes with beams of rectangular cross-section. In addition, new materials are used for their fabrication, characterized by different values of allowable loads and deformations. In the paper, two overhead cranes from JSC "Vilniaus kranai" are considered. A mathematical model is proposed that enables assessment of the impact of the hydraulic damper built in the cargo suspension system upon the dynamic features of the crane in the beginning of the lifting process. It was determined that in such a way the period of vibration damping is reduced. However, the impact of the damper upon the dynamics of the metal structure of the crane is limited because of high mobility of the rope as compared to the mobility of the total structure.

About this article

10 September 2011
14 February 2012
31 March 2012
overhead crane
lifting process
hydraulic damper
stiffness of the rope
time diagram.