Published: 31 March 2012

System identification of rubber-bearing isolators based on experimental tests

Qiang Yin1
Li Zhou2
Tengfei Mu3
Jann N. Yang4
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Rubber-bearing isolation systems have been used in buildings and bridges. These base isolation systems will become more popular in the future due to their ability to reduce significantly the structural responses induced by earthquakes and other dynamic loads. To ensure the integrity and safety of these base isolation systems, a structural health monitoring system is needed. One important problem in the structural health monitoring is the identification of the system and the detection of damages. This problem is more challenging for the rubberbearing isolation systems because of their nonlinear behavior. In this paper, experimental studies have been conducted for the system identification of nonlinear hysteretic rubberbearings. Experimental tests of a rubber-bearing isolator under El Centro and Kobe earthquakes have been performed. The Bouc-Wen models with 3, 5 and 6 unknown parameters, respectively, have been investigated to represent the hysteretic behavior of rubber-bearing isolators. The extended Kalman filter (EKF) approach has been used to identify the nonlinear parameters of the Bouc-Wen models for the rubber-bearing isolators. Our experimental studies demonstrate that the Bouc-Wen models are capable of describing the nonlinear behavior of rubber-bearing isolators, and that the EKF approach is effective in identifying nonlinear hysteretic parameters.

About this article

19 December 2011
14 February 2012
31 March 2012
rubber bearings
hysteretic model
system identification
extended Kalman filter