Published: 31 December 2011

Dynamic flexibility of the supported-clamped beam in transportation

S. Zólkiewski1
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The paper concerns the problem of vibrations of the beam in rotational transportation. The beam is the supported-clamped one. The beam is fixed on a rotational disk. The disk is treated as the rigid one. The method of dynamical flexibility is used for the dynamic analysis of the system. The beam is considered in terms of local vibrations transferred to the global reference frame where the interaction between the local displacement and the transportation movement is taken into consideration. The analyzed system can be treated as the model of many technical systems such as blades of pumps, rotors etc. Nowadays such a type systems are very rarely considered with taking into account the so called transportation effect. The analyzed case is the particular one, where the special boundary conditions are applied.

About this article

11 September 2011
04 December 2011
31 December 2011
dynamic analysis
beamlike systems
transportation effect
supportedclamped system
forms of vibrations