Published: 31 December 2011

Cutting tool vibration in the metal cutting process

V. Gutakovskis1
G. Bunga2
G. Pikurs3
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Research of machining dynamics have long history in manufacturing processes with consideration of cutting interruption, intermittency and coupled interaction between the tool and workpiece. It gives better understanding of the underlying physics of material removal. The complex motions in cutting dynamics are mainly caused by discontinuities, including chip and tool-workpiece seizure as well as complex stick–slip motion. Through the application of discontinuous system theory, a comprehensive understanding of the grazing phenomena is induced by the boundary of frictional-velocity and the loss of contact between the tool and workpiece are discussed. Significant insights are to control machine-tool vibration and to develop tool wear free machine-tool concept. The experiment on the stainless steel machining is presented in the paper and generation of machine tool vibrations and the associated cutting dynamics is considered.

About this article

30 September 2011
04 December 2011
31 December 2011
metal cutting
cutting tool