Published: 30 September 2011

Study of the process of interaction between low-frequency ultrasound and biological tissue phantoms

A. Bubulis1
V. Jurenas2
V. T. Minchenya3
D. A. Stepanenko4
I. Borovskaja5
D. V. Chizh6
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This paper presents the results of a series of experimental studies on the impact of low-frequency ultrasound on biological tissue phantoms, acoustic pressure on the motion of particles in an acoustic field generated by annular waveguide. Experiments have demonstrated that when vibrations with a frequency corresponding to its natural frequency of bending vibrations are induced in the annular waveguide, micropowder particles form arranged bulk structures on the substrate. Analysis of results on the behavior of micropowder particles in the ring insonation area revealed that frequency variations of ultrasonic vibrations lead to variations in spatial distribution of acoustic pressure inside the ring. The thermal effect of low-frequency ultrasound from annular waveguide on biological tissue phantoms has been studied. It was established that the annular waveguide enables heating of fluid when it has no direct contact with the media, thereby demonstrating its applicability for non-contact treatment of tumors.

About this article

09 July 2011
05 September 2011
30 September 2011
biological tissue phantoms
acoustic field
low-frequency vibrations