Published: 30 September 2011

A model of a thermal feedback in a biological object taking into account the processes of thermal self-regulation and their dynamics

J. I. Džežeria1
B. I. Kotovskij2
V. A. Yurciuk3
N. Višniakov4
A. Šešok5
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The paper proposes a model for temperature distribution in an organism taking into account the internal heat sources and the processes of thermal self-regulation. The model describes temperature distribution and the processes of its self-regulation in hypothermal zones, where abnormal phenomena in a biological object are accompanied by a decrease of temperature. The presented model can be applied for diagnostics of inflammatory processes and tumors as well as for control of their dynamics by means of thermography.

About this article

02 July 2011
05 September 2011
30 September 2011
biological object
model of temperature distribution
processes of self-regulation and their dynamics