Published: 30 September 2011

A non-parametric hysteresis model for magnetorheological

Ardeshir Karami Mohammadi1
Mohammad Sheibani2
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In this paper a new non-parametric hysteresis model is offered for simulation of behaviors of magneto-rheological dampers. The offered model takes the excitation frequency, amplitude and current as variables and because of that it is capable of estimating the hysteresis force in different stimulation conditions with a good level of accuracy. Also, the model has the required level of flexibility for simulation of different dampers. The model completion is free of all complications observed in other models. Finally, the accuracy of simulations provided by this model are compared with experimental data as well as two parametric and non-parametric models.

About this article

05 July 2011
01 September 2011
30 September 2011
non-parametric model