Published: 31 March 2011

Discontinuity and bifurcation analysis of motions in a fermi oscillator under dual excitations

Yu Guo1
Albert C. J. Luo2
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In this paper, the stability and bifurcation of motions in a fermi oscillator under dual excitations are presented using the theory of discontinuous dynamical systems. The analytical conditions for motion switching in such a fermi-oscillator are obtained, and the generic mappings are introduced to describe the periodic and chaotic motions for such oscillator. Bifurcation scenarios for periodic and chaotic motions are presented together with analytical predictions of periodic motions. Finally, numerical illustrations of periodic and chaotic motions in such an oscillator are given. In addition, the flutter oscillations of such an oscillator are presented through the switching section for the Neimark bifurcation.

About this article

02 November 2010
04 February 2011
31 March 2011
Fermi oscillator
discontinuous dynamical systems
impacting chatter
sticking motion
Neimark bifurcation