Published: 31 December 2010

Vibration and noise measurements during silage thickening with inertia directional vibrator

A. Jasinskas1
E. Šarauskis2
V. Butkus3
E. Jotautiene4
A. Mieldažys5
G. Viselga6
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Literature review and performed theoretical investigation indicates that it is environmentally and economically feasible for small and average size farms to use vibrational thickening method for silage preparation. However, the results need to be verified with experiments. This research work provides analysis and evaluation of flat surface inertia type vibrator, in which the excitation force is induced by turning the unbalanced mass. Directed action vibrator was manufactured and tested. Results indicate that application of inertia directional vibrator for thickening of finely chopped corn and Jerusalem artichoke stalk mixture, after 40 minutes thickening, allows to obtain a 114.6 kg m-3 density for both layers, while thickening the first 65 kg mass mixture layer after 10 minutes - a 197.9 kg m-3 density. Dry material densities correspond to 61.5 and 106.3 kg m-3 respectively. After examination of fodder quality it was determined that corn mixture silage, thickened by the inertia directional vibrator, satisfies highgrade silage requirements. Performed tests demonstrated that the effect of vibrations on whole body and the measured noise levels do not have detrimental effect on human health and the established acceptable limits are not exceeded while operating the inertia directional vibrator. The vibrator is suitable for silage preparation since it does not contaminate the fodder with dirt and gasoline products during operation. The proposed silage preparation method provides opportunities to use ecologically safe containers as well as sectional and other types of enclosures

About this article

12 October 2010
09 December 2010
31 December 2010
inertia directional vibrator