Published: 31 March 2009

Elastic instabilities in polymer tube of resonant sound absorbers under hydrostatic pressure

S. Gluhih1
A. Kovalov2
E. Barkanov3
A. Chate4
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The solution of the problem of hydrostatic compression of an elastomeric tube is based on the nonlinear theory of elasticity for incompressible materials employing the method of Ritz variations and the ANSYS finite-element solutions. The main purpose of the investigations is to obtain the loading diagrams in the total range of elastomeric tube thicknesses, without any kinematical and physical restrictions on the behavior of elastomer, e.g., neglecting the Kirchhoff and Timoshenko hypotheses or Hooke's law

About this article

20 January 2009
10 March 2009
31 March 2009
circular tube
hydrostatic pressure
elastic potential
critical load
postcritical loading diagram