Published: 31 March 2009

Stability control of a hyperredundant arm for a grasping operation

M. Ivanescu1
M. Cecilia Florescu2
N. Popescu3
D. Popescu4
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In this paper a problem of a class of hyperredundant arms with continuum elements that perform the grasping function by coiling is discussed. This function is often met in the animal world as in the case of elephant trunk or octopus tentacle. First, the dynamic model in 3D-space is developed. The equations that describe the motion of the arm that carries a load by coiling are inferred. The stability of the motion is discussed. Numerical simulations of the motion towards an imposed target are presented

About this article

25 January 2009
10 March 2009
31 March 2009
distributed parameter systems
force control
hyperredundant robots