Published: 31 March 2009

New linear piezoelectric actuator based on traveling wave

D. Mažeika1
P. Vasiljev2
G. Kulvietis3
S. Vaiciuliene4
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A novel design of linear type piezoelectric actuator is proposed and analyzed in the paper. Actuator has a beam shape with cut-out hole. Traveling wave is generated on the top area of the actuator applying harmonic oscillations on the ends of the beam. These oscillations are generated by two piezoceramic elements and transferred to the ends of the beam. Electrodes of piezoceramic elements are excited by harmonic voltage with phase difference of ?/2. Numerical modeling based on finite element method was performed to find resonant frequencies and modal shapes of the actuator and to calculate the trajectories of contact point movements under different excitation schemes. A prototype of the piezoelectric actuator was built and measurements of top surface oscillations were performed. Results of numerical and experimental studies are discussed

About this article

10 January 2009
10 March 2009
31 March 2009
piezoelectric linear actuator
traveling wave
finite element modeling
experimental study