Published: 30 June 2008

Calculation of optimal parameters of vibration electrode for arc welding

J. Šcemeliovas1
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Manual and semi-automatic welding by vibration electrode (pulsing arc) is considered in the article. The advantages of welding by the pulsing arc are determined in comparison with welding by a constant arc. Using energy calculation by taking into account thermal balance at the vibration electrode stub, optimal parameters of modulated current, such as frequency and duration of electrical pulses, were established for different welding methods and regimes. Stabilized heat that is required for generating melting drops reduces the level of metal splash and improves formation of the weld

About this article

12 February 2008
13 June 2008
30 June 2008
Welding process
vibration electrode
pulsing arc
pulse current
pulse frequencies
modulated current
thermal balance at the electrode stub