Published: 30 June 2008

Method and equipment for testing of piezoceramic transducers manufacturing quality

P. Borodicas1
S. Baskutis2
V. Petkus3
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The paper presents new testing method of piezoceramic transducers, which are used in innovative ultrasonic flow and heat metering devices. The equipment and specialized software is designed to implement fast, automatic and reliable diagnostic of piezoceramic transducer and control transducer’s manufacturing quality. The diagnostic equipment and testing approach was used while investigating transducer parameters changes during their temperature shock tests. These investigations allowed optimizing the design of ultrasonic piezoceramic transducers and minimizing their manufacturing cost

About this article

29 May 2008
13 June 2008
30 June 2008
Piezoceramic transducer testing
manufacturing quality control
quality test equipment