Published: 30 June 2008

Failure analysis of destructive coils

R. Kacianauskas1
A. Kaceniauskas2
E. Stupak3
S. Balevicius4
N. Žurauskiene5
J. Novickij6
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The failure of the destructive pulsed power coils has been investigated. The destructive coil is the key element of the laboratory system which generates half-period abrupt magnetic field pulses with the amplitudes up to 45 T. The transient coupled non-linear magneto-mechanical model has been applied for finite element simulations. The mechanical behavior and operation threshold of the coil have been examined. It has been found that operation threshold of the coil with relatively thin cylindrical reinforcement could be characterized by the opening of the plastic hinge and estimated numerically. Good agreement with experimental results has been observed

About this article

17 April 2008
13 June 2008
30 June 2008
failure analysis
destructive coils
pulsed high magnetic fields
coupled magneto-mechanical model
finite element method