Published: 31 March 2008

Analysis of holographic interferogram of microelectromechanical system with non harmonic cycles excitation

R. Vasiliauskas1
A. Palevicius2
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Recent technological trends based on miniaturization of mechanical, electromechanical and photonic devices to the microscopic scale have led to the development of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Effective development of MEMS components requires the synergy of advanced design, analysis, and fabrication methodologies as well as application of quantitative metrology techniques for characterizing their performance, reliability and integrity during design stage. In this paper, we describe analysis of holographic interferograms of MEMS links which includes interferometric fringes related to deformation appearing because of the non-harmonic excitation of MEMS links

About this article

19 January 2008
17 March 2008
31 March 2008
microelectromechanical system
holographic interferometry
mechanical vibration