Published: 30 September 2007

Usage of the powder metallurgy method for fabrication of titanium implant alloy

M. Gradzka-dahlke1
P. Deptula2
Jan R. Dabrowski3
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In the paper research of the new implant titanium alloy obtained by powder metallurgy method were presented. The Ti15Mo2,8Nb alloy was fabricated from pure alloying component powders. The structure was observed by scanning electron microscope and analyzed by X-ray diffraction. The effect of grinding time of mixtures as well as the size of titanium powder grain on compatibility, compression strength and yield point of sintered alloys was analysed. It was found that grain size has a significant effect on strength properties of the alloy. However, the prolonging of grinding time caused deterioration of compatibility as well as mechanical properties of sinters

About this article

06 June 2007
12 September 2007
30 September 2007
titanium alloys
powder metallurgy
mechanical properties