Published: 30 September 2007

Research into the heart rate and blood pressure dependence on loading and time

M. Mariunas1
Z. Kuzborska2
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The article deals with the dependence of the effect of physical load on male and female heart rate and blood pressure on the step and constant load with a change in time. It has been established that with the load applied to different male and female age groups and its time increasing, the heart rate and blood pressure increases in terms of non-linear dependence. Characteristic points have been determined to exist in the functional dependence of the heart rate and blood pressure on the time of loading, in which the derivative value of the function is equal to zero. The human fatigue criterion has been established on the basis of the derivative of this characteristic point, which shows the individual’s reserve of the working capacity and its duration

About this article

30 May 2007
04 June 2007
30 September 2007
the heart rate
blood pressure
constant and step loads
different age groups
fatigue criterion