Repository Policy


Extrica is committed to promoting the open dissemination of research and scholarly work. In line with this commitment, we have established a self-archiving (repository) policy that allows authors to deposit their research papers in institutional or subject repositories. We support the principles of open access and encourage the broadest possible dissemination of knowledge.

Permitted Versions for Deposit

Authors are permitted to deposit all versions of their paper, including:

  • Preprint: The original draft of the paper before peer review.
  • Author’s Accepted Manuscript: The version of the paper accepted for publication after peer review, including any revisions made. It does not include other publisher value-added contributions such as production stage copy-editing, formatting, technical enhancements and, if relevant, pagination.
  • Published Article: The final published version of the paper as it appears in the journal.

Authors should include a link in the deposited version that directs to the URL of the publisher's website. Additionally, authors need to specify the Digital Object Identifier of the article. This requirement is intended to maintain the integrity and authenticity of the scientific record, ensuring that the online published version on the publisher’s website is clearly identified as the definitive version of record.

  • The version of record of this article, first published in [insert Journal name], is available online at Extrica’s website, DOI: [insert DOI].

No Embargo

Extrica does not apply any embargo periods. Authors are encouraged to make their work available without any delay.


Authors are allowed to deposit their papers in an institutional repository or in relevant subject repositories suitable for their field of research.

Deposited papers should be made freely accessible to the public to maximize dissemination and impact, with the required fields indicating the main source of publication, which is Extrica.

Compliance and Support

Authors are responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy and any relevant funder requirements.

Extrica will provide support and guidance to authors on how to deposit their papers in the appropriate repositories.

Contact Information and Review

For questions or further assistance regarding this policy, please contact the relevant editor or us via email: Show Email Address.

This policy will be reviewed periodically and may be amended as necessary to ensure continued relevance and compliance with evolving best practices in scholar repository management.