Published: 20 November 2013

Cogging Torque Reduction of Interior Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motors by Finite-Element Method

Yi-Chang Wu1
Wan-Tsun Tseng2
Pei-Li Tsai3
1, 3Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Yunlin University of Science & Technology, Yunlin, Taiwan 640, R.O.C.
2Department of Electrical Engineering, National Yunlin University of Science & Technology, Yunlin, Taiwan 640, R.O.C.
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Yi-Chang Wu
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The cogging torque of a permanent-magnet motor is an oscillatory torque that always induces vibration, acoustic noise, possible resonance and speed ripples, and its minimization is a major concern for electric motor designers. This paper presents an effective approach for the cogging torque reduction of interior permanent-magnet motors by modifying the magnet span angle of the rotor and the shoe depth and shoe ramp of the stator. The cogging torque is calculated by employing a commercial finite-element analysis software Ansoft/Maxwell. The results show that the peak value of the cogging torque for the modified design decreases 50% in comparison with that of the original design.

About this article

01 November 2013
20 November 2013