Published: 15 September 2013

Identification of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Compound by Solving Inverse Problems

A. V. Goroshko1
V. P. Royzman2
A. Bubulis3
1, 2Khmelnitsky National University, Institutska st. 11, 29016, Ukraine
3Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
Corresponding Author:
A. Bubulis
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The paper presents a method of identification of physical and mechanical characteristics of the compound (calculated and experimental test method parameters). The idea of the method is that the studied material is connected with other materials, the characteristics of which are well known and differ from the characteristics of the material. Desired physical and mechanical properties should be considered unknown in the proposed calculation model, and the values of the parameters of trial constructions that can be measured accurately with experimental methods in the process of product operation, as well as characteristics of test materials and geometric dimensions of proposed structures are suggested to be placed in the same model as input information.

About this article

01 September 2013
15 September 2013