Published: 15 September 2013

Investigation of Oil - Water Ultrasound Emulsifier

A. Navickas1
E. Puida2
A. Bubulis3
V. Jurenas4
A. Pauliukas5
1NK Baltic, Vilnius, Lithuania
2Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, Lithuania
3, 4Mechatronics Centre for Research, Studies & Information Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, Lithuania
5Aleksandras Stulginskis University, Kaunas, Lithuania
Corresponding Author:
A. Bubulis
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Diesel fuel and water emulsifier designed for diesel fuel contaminated with water mixing to improve fuel combustion properties, it could also be used as mixing device for water and diesel fuel mixture. Examined literature describing the oil and water mixture emulsifiers. Analyzed the experiments related to diesel fuel and water emulsion combustion and distribution of its water volume. It has been developed and described principle emulsifier scheme. Calculated and modeled piezoelectric ultrasonic vibration actuator, which causes cavitations in mixing chamber. Ultrasonic vibration actuator is designed for the cavitation emulsion processing. Comparing experimental data with calculations obtained less than 10% deviation from the theoretical resonance frequency values. Performed experimental testing of ultrasonic vibration actuator to determine its resonance values. It also performed test of the distribution of water drops in diesel fuel using a microscope. Diesel fuel combustion effluents is one of the major problems stopping air pollution, especially in more populated areas.

About this article

01 September 2013
15 September 2013