Published: 30 September 2012

Development of a finite element model of the sailplane fuselage

M. Andrikaitis1
A. Fedaravicius2
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This paper presents development of finite element model of sailplane LAK-17B fuselage, which will be used to demonstrate the compliance with requirements of strength, deformation, crashworthiness and flutter behavior. FE analysis may be used only if the structure conforms to those for which experience has shown the method to be reliable. LAK-17B is a modification of a certified sailplane LAK-17A. Compliance with strength requirements of this sailplane was confirmed by load tests. Data of these tests will be used to evaluate numerical model reliability. The article presents modeling principles used to create finite element models of the sailplanes LAK-17A and LAK-17B together with consideration of load evaluation procedure.

About this article

05 July 2012
04 September 2012
30 September 2012
finite element model