Published: 30 September 2012

Numerical modelling and validation of light gauge steel top-seat flange-cleat connection

Lee Yeong Huei1
Tan Cher Siang2
Mahmood Tahir3
Shahrin Mohammad4
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This paper presents the numerical investigation on the moment-rotation behaviour of cold-formed top-seat flange-cleat connection, a type of light gauge steel connection which structural connection has sparked a wide range of research interest. The cold-formed channel sections were assembled back-to-back to form I-shape beam and column members. Two components were used to connect the members, notably the 2 mm cold-formed bracket and the 6 mm hot-rolled angle. The results were collected from different beam depths, namely 150 mm, 200 mm and 250 mm. The rotational stiffness and strength obtained from the numerical modelling were then compared with design requirements from BS EN 1993-1-8 and experimental data. The comparison showed not more than 35 % difference in strength and about 50 % difference in rotational stiffness between numerical modelling and experimental data. However, there was a noticeable difference between finite element models and analytical calculation. The differences were from 18 % to 66 % for strength and between 1 % and 145 % for stiffness. Finite element models showed a better agreement with experimental data as compared to analytical study. Edge stiffener of numerical model and theoretical stiffness calculation had caused significant difference in comparison.

About this article

12 July 2012
04 September 2012
30 September 2012
light gauge
steel connection
numerical modelling