Published: 31 December 2011

The vibrations of microbeams and nanotubes

J. Avsec1
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Temperature variations can significantly change the dynamic characteristics of macro-, micro- and nano-structures. In the presented article we have studied the microbeams and nanotubes under thermal effects. Microbeams and nanotubes will be very important in the future in the fields of MEMS and NEMS. For the physical explanation of vibrations of nanotubes classical mechanics is valid with some limitations. We have taken into account the influence of thermal force, axial force in rotating shaft and also gyroscopic effect. The effect of temperature-dependent material properties was considered primarily with respect to the temperature variations. On the basis of our analytical model it is possible to determine the vibrational characteristics in a very wide range of temperatures. In the presented paper it is shown for the first time in scientific literature the combined influence of temperature, gyroscopic effects and rotor speeds on shaft and beam vibrations.

About this article

01 September 2011
04 December 2011
31 December 2011
vibrations of microbeams
vibrations of nanotubes
rotor vibration