Published: 30 September 2011

The influence of parameters of consecutive speed control humps ...

Shan Liang1
Conggang Li2
Qin Zhu3
Qingyu Xiong4
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This paper is aimed at analyzing the chaotic vibration of a vehicle passing the consecutive speed control humps (SCHs) on a highway. A consecutive SCHs-speed coupling excitation function is presented. The chaotic vibration of nonlinear vehicle is studied by numerical simulation under a 2-DOF nonlinear vehicle suspension model. The chaotic vibration excited by the consecutive SCHs with different parameters is analyzed. Simulation results demonstrate that the chaotic motion may occur as the vehicle moves over a series of the consecutive SCHs. Furthermore, chaotic motion can be inhibited reasonably and effectively by proper adjustment of parameters of the consecutive SCHs.

About this article

30 May 2011
05 September 2011
30 September 2011
chaotic vibration
consecutive SCHs
nonlinear vehicle model