Published: 30 June 2011

Mathematical models for acoustical pollution prognosis at signalized intersections

E. Jotautiene1
S. Merkevicius2
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Noise related problems are increasing worldwide with detrimental effects on health and quality of life[18]. The regulations and laws of European Union and Lithuania emphasize the importance of noise reduction, the necessity to collect and disseminate information related to traffic flow, the development of traffic flow mathematical models and their implementation for noise evaluation. In this paper, mathematical methods are applied to determine the noise intensity. Measurements of urban traffic noise were performed at the arterial street intersections in Kaunas ant its suburbs. At this location traffic flow rates are high and noise is dominated by low frequencies. It was determined that the LAeq levels decrease continuously till the end of cycle of the green traffic signal. The developed methodology can be used to estimate traffic noise levels in a city and country districts using data provided by the automated traffic flow registration system. The aim of the article is to develop the mathematical model of a longitudinal noise sources and to apply it for the prediction of acoustical pollution in an environment of roads and streets intersections.

About this article

02 March 2011
15 May 2011
30 June 2011
traffic noise
mathematical model