Published: 31 December 2010

Formalization of the observations of the sea level variations using XML data schemas and scalable vector graphics format

E. Paršeliunas1
L. Marozas2
P. Petroškevicius3
A. Zakarevicius4
J. Stankunas5
V. C. Aksamitauskas6
A. H. Marcinkevicius7
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XML (Extended Markup Language) Data Schemas as the format for information exchange in graphical SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format is presented in the paper. SVG file format is a language for two-dimensional graphics and is based on XML. It is suggested to apply it as the advanced version of previous data exchange format TGINEX (Tide Gauge Independent Exchange Format), which contains the plain ASCII data. SVG graphics are formatted from the observations of sea level observations by the tide gauges. As an example, the formalization of data is shown on the base of the sea level observing station KLPD, which is a part of the European Sea Level Service network. XML Data Schemas, in addition, adds header’s information about the marine measurements' site, sensors and any additional necessary information. The correct header formation and the advantages of such data exchange format are analysed. Header is important for exchange between different sites from different countries as so it would be information standartization. Visual appearance of the SVG file, the source, headers and formation of the file in script are described in this paper also

About this article

11 November 2010
09 December 2010
31 December 2010
sea level variations
Data Schemas
sea level observations