Published: 30 September 2010

Projecting elastomeric shock absorbers with variable stiffness

V. Gonca1
J. Shvab2
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"Over the past 20-30 years, usage of specific properties of rubber (high elasticity, resistance to environmental influences, good dynamic performance, low compressibility, nearly linear stress-strain relationship for strains of up to 15% ÷ 20%) enabled development of shock absorbers with nonlinear characteristics ""force - settlement"". The paper proposes a method of calculation of a cylindrical rubber shock absorber cords with hard side stops by considering weak compressibility of rubber. The solution is obtained by applying Ritz method and using the principle of the minimum complete potential energy of deformation. Obtained solutions can be used to find the dependence of „force - settlement” for cylindrical shock absorbers, as well as in design of such shock absorbers. This is required when developing a shock absorber with a given non-linear stiffness characteristics"

About this article

04 September 2010
10 September 2010
30 September 2010
weak compressibility
side stops