Published: 30 June 2010

The analysis of possibility of creating of terrestrial orthophoto

J. Suziedelyte-Visockiene1
D. Brucas2
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Photogrammetry is the science of creating 2D or 3D models of object basing on several photo images. With the modern digital technologies it can be widely implemented for different tasks such as constructions and structures measurement, reverse engineering of curved surfaces etc. Photogrammetric measurements with the high speed cameras can be also implemented for measurements of vibrations. One of the intermediate stages of photogrammetric data evaluation used for 2D measurements and storing the obtained information is an orthophoto image. Here in this paper a short review of the principles and possibilities of the photogrammetric data acquisition are presented. Also the creation of orthophoto and basic 3D surface model of the manor-house ceiling performed by means of Canon EOS 1D Mark III camera and PhotoMod photogrammetric software is described

About this article

23 February 2010
07 June 2010
30 June 2010
photo camera
photo images
orthophoto image